Put Glide in your Ride!
Glide Engineering, Inc. a manufacturing company celebrating 29 strong years of business. When it comes to quality seats Glide Engineering is not only the world wide leader, but also the longest custom seat manufacturer in business. After Glide Started in 1989 it Quickly became the #1 World Wide Leader in innovative designs and manufacturer of quality seat frames from Street Rods, Custom cars and Trucks.
Building Quality Seats is Glides number one priority and we are very proud of the products sold and the service that all of us at Glide provide to our customers on a daily basis.
We offer a lifetime warranty on all of our seat frames, under normal usage and glide guarantees you the perfect fit for your ride!
Hot In The Shop

1928-1934 Coupe & Roadster Seat Frame
10-20-50-60 Series
No Sag Springs, Flip up Bottom, Adjustable Back
Price: $782
1953-1957 Tri-Five Chevy Seat Frame
No-Sag Springs, Adjustable Backs. Slide Forward & Back
Price: $998

Universal Buckets (pair)
No Sag Springs, Adjustable Back, Slides Forward & Back,
Price: $995

1947-1987 Chevy Pick-Up Seat Frame
SPB- Series
No Sag Springs, Adjustable Backs, Flip up Bottoms. Slide Forward & Back